Other areas of Law
ABKJ Lawyers provides legal services in most areas of law.
Whilst ABKJ Lawyers may not have listed a particular area of law on this website, this does not mean that ABKJ Lawyers does not have experience or provide assistance in the required area of law. ABKJ Lawyers are large enough to source expertise throughout the firm in various areas and we encourage you to ask about our services in the particular area of law that you require assistance with and which may not be identified in detail on this website.
For example, our staff have expertise and experience in the following other areas of law:
- Court representation in all Australian Courts and Tribunals;
- Music & entertainment law (including artist, management and production agreements)
- Retirement Village, Nursing Home & other Elder Law issues.
We invite you to contact us to enquire about these other services and whether we can assist you with the particular area of law that you may be seeking assistance with.