Terms & Conditions
By using our site or sending an email to our firm, you agree to recognize and be bound by all of the terms and conditions of use set forth below. If you do not agree to any of these terms, please do not continue with the use of this web site.
Use of Information Found on this Site
The content of this site does not constitute legal advice, and none of the information provided should be considered a legal opinion.
All material appearing on the site is copyright protected, unless otherwise stated. The content of this site is intended for personal use; visitors are invited to make single copies of any portion of our site for their personal, non-commercial use. Other than as described in this paragraph, you may not reproduce, sell, publish, distribute, repost, display, modify or otherwise use any portion of the materials on this site without the written consent of ABKJ. Except as authorized in this paragraph, you are not being granted a license under any copyright, trademark, patent or other intellectual property right in the material found or described on this site. All such rights are retained by this firm or the third party sites linked from this site. By using this site, you agree not to create framed links to our web pages without our express written consent.
Accuracy of Information
Although every effort has been made to produce a web site that is free from errors and omissions, we do not make any express or implied warranties with regard to the use or accuracy of this site. The laws and legal procedures discussed on this site may have changed as a result of legislative enactments of new laws, judicial interpretations of existing laws, or changes in administrative agency rules, policies or procedures. The law is constantly changing and is different in each state. You should not assume that any information included on our site applies to any specific situation.
Our firm is licensed to practice law only in Queensland Australia, and any statements, opinions and explanations contained on this site are limited to only that state.
Communications with Our Firm
The information on this web site is not being provided in the course of an lawyer-client relationship. The information presented may not be applicable to your particular legal situation, and you should consult with a competent lawyer regarding your specific situation.
Email contact with our firm does not create an lawyer-client relationship. We provide email capabilities as a convenient way for the public to contact us about non-confidential matters or issues relating to our web site. If you communicate with us in connection with a matter for which we do not already represent you, you should not send us confidential or sensitive information via email because your communication will not be treated as privileged or confidential.
If you would like to retain the services of our firm, please feel free to call or email us to inquire how to do so. If you contact our firm regarding representation, you should always mention the name of an adverse party in your first communication, before you divulge ANY facts to us, so that we can ensure we do not have a conflict of interest. A conflict-of-interest check will be performed by our administrative staff and, if no conflicts are identified, you will be put in contact with a lawyer qualified to handle your matter. Until we have agreed to represent you, you should not send any information or documents to the firm, as they will not be considered lawyer-client information.
If you communicate with us by email in connection with a matter for which we already represent you, you should note that the security of Internet email is uncertain. This means that email communications could be intercepted by third parties. Email messages sent to our firm or any of its employees should not contain sensitive or confidential information unless the messages are adequately encrypted. By sending sensitive or confidential email messages that are not encrypted, you accept the risks of a possible lack of confidentiality over the Internet. As a rule, sensitive, confidential information should be sent by means of communication other than email.
No Warranties
ABKJ makes no warranty of merchantability or that this site is fit for any particular purpose, and disclaims all warranties, whether express, implied or statutory. Each user affirms that he or she has not relied on this web site or its contents for any particular purpose.
This site is intended for use by the residents of the state of Queensland, and anyone outside of that state agrees as a condition of using this site that jurisdiction and venue for any actions related to this site or firm will be in Queensland.
Websites linked from or to this website
ABKJ does not necessarily endorse, and is not responsible for, any third-party content that may be accessed through this web site. Also, although we make an effort to keep our site current, there is no guarantee that the links provided are correct, complete, or up-to-date. We provide these links in order to aid you in the search for other information of interest, and do not imply that this firm is affiliated or associated with, or endorses any third-party web site, or that it is legally authorized to use any trade name, registered trademark, logo, or seal found on sites linked from this site.